Getting advice on your income protection is important. Many industry super funds and direct insurance policies contain harsh terms, conditions, exclusions (including height) and may not often consider your financial structure (i.e. for tax purpose). Surety Life can offer: Generous height limits Indicative quotes over the phone 24 hour...
Read moreIncome Protection How you manage your finances can be severely impacted due to not having the right level of monthly income protection cover for the following reasons; You may not be aware that the benefit is taxed. This means that there is less to pay the bills with. You...
Read moreThe information contained within, including taxation, does not consider your personal circumstances and is of a general nature only. You should not act on it without first obtaining professional financial advice specific to your circumstances and reading any product disclosure statements.
Read moreWhat are the problems that income protection solves for you? Who will pay you when you can’t work? Most self-employed people don’t have any work cover. How will you pay the bills if you can’t work? If you don’t have adequate cash savings this causes a lot of worry...
Read moreLearn more about the types of insurance offered through Surety Life or obtain a Quote.